
Anne Garage: outdooor swimmer

  Anne – pink wetsuit, on the left at Crookes Valley Park   I’m swimming outdoors right through the winter. I’ve always been a fan of walking around reservoirs and there’s always been a sign saying something like:   ‘Don’t Swim Here. It’s always twelve degrees or less -‘ That’s a lie, by the way, because… Continue reading Anne Garage: outdooor swimmer


Graham ‘Rocketman’ Bloodworth, writer

  My Centaur Stories helped  me to write myself out of severe depression. I used to sell model rockets;  ones that have a launch-pad and actually fly.  I was known as the Rocket Man and I worked in a Sheffield toy and model shop, Beatty’s of Pinstone Street, for 18 years.  You know you’ve been… Continue reading Graham ‘Rocketman’ Bloodworth, writer